Potential GNP EGU Allowance Auction Rule
EPA is considering a proposed rulemaking that would add an allowance auction mechanism for power plants to the CSAPR NOX Ozone Season Group 3 trading program under the Good Neighbor Plan (GNP) for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS.
EPA held two stakeholder outreach sessions on Wednesday, May 31 and Thursday, June 1, 2023, to hear stakeholder perspectives and input on various aspects of the proposed rulemaking. Additionally, to guide discussion and receive the most productive feedback possible from meeting attendees during these sessions, EPA shared a list of working assumptions for the proposed rulemaking at these sessions.
EPA is observing the Ozone Season Group 3 trading program allowance market under the GNP to gain further information pertinent to the potential addition of an auction mechanism. This page will be updated as more information on the status of this potential rulemaking becomes available.
Please email Katherine Corcoran with any questions.