December 2014 Sustainable Financing Forum for Faster, Cheaper, Greener Urban Stormwater Retrofits
Sustainable Financing Forum for Faster, Cheaper, Greener Urban Stormwater Retrofits
In December 2014, EPA Region 3 convened a Sustainable Stormwater Financing Forum (Forum) that focused on building sustainable stormwater infrastructure and economic health through Community-Based Public-Private Partnerships (CBP3s) and smart financing tools. This first-of-its-kind forum – described as “ground-breaking”, “visionary”, and “unique” – hosted approximately 80 representatives from federal, state, and local governments, non-government organizations, and academia, along with private sector engineers, developers, and finance industry representatives.
The Forum covered topics from partnerships to market-based incentives and private sector investment, all key elements of driving effective and affordable urban stormwater innovation. The District of Columbia's Stormwater Retention Credit Program and Philadelphia Water's Greened Acre Retrofit Program were two programs highlighted. The Forum also highlighted the Prince George's County Clean Waters Partnership, a CBP3 between county government and the private sector to retrofit up to 4,000 acres of impervious surfaces using green infrastructure. Under the agreement, the county partnered with a private entity to pilot $100 million green infrastructure projects. According to Prince George’s County, the projects were designed to “provide cost savings, create thousands of local jobs, and boost economic development.”
Key information presented at the Forum is available in the December 2014 Sustainable Stormwater Financing Forum Summary Notes.