2016v2 Platform
The 2016v2 emissions modeling platform is being developed by EPA as an update to the 2016v1 platform because new data, model versions, and methods have become available following the release of 2016v1. The 2016v2 platform incorporates emissions based on: MOVES3, the 2017 NEI nonpoint inventory (both anthropogenic and biogenic), the Western Regional Air Partnership oil and gas inventory, and updated inventories for Canada and Mexico. In addition, 2016v2 makes use of a new inventory method for solvents, includes minor corrections to the wildfire inventory, and corrects for double counting of the airport emissions. The commercial marine vessel and rail inventories are consistent with the 2016v1 inventories.
The 2016v2 platform includes emissions for the years 2016, 2023, 2026, and 2032. Factors used to perform projections to future years have been updated where new data have become available. For example, where factors based the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) are used to develop future year emissions, most of those factors have been updated to use AEO 2021. Future year EGU emissions include impacts from the Revised Cross-state Air Pollution Rule Update along with other updated data. The 2016v2 platform technical support document is linked below.
For any issues found with the future year EGU inventories, please fill out the form on this page: https://campd.epa.gov/help-support/contact-us
For issues with other inventories, please contact the Emissions Modeling Team for information on how to submit attachments: Contact Us
Feedback by December 17, 2021 is encouraged.
- 2016v2 Technical Support Document
- 2016v2 SMOKE Input Data Files and Summaries
- 2016v2 Premerged SMOKE Outputs
Ozone Transport Air Quality Modeling for the 2016v2 Platform
EPA is making available modeling data including projected ozone design values for 2023, 2026, and 2032 and ozone contributions in 2023 and 2026 at individual monitoring sites, nationwide. These data are based on emissions from the 2016v2 emissions modeling platform. While these data do not reflect any policy or regulatory decisions, EPA expects to use this information in upcoming rulemaking actions, including ozone transport actions.
Please find the files listed below in the Data Download Directory
- AQ Modeling TSD_2016v2 Platform_rev_2022_0119a.pdf - Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document
- 2016v2_DVs_state_contributions.xlsx - Design Value and Contribution Data file