Tennessee Air Pollution Control Regulations - Chapter 1200-3-5 - VISIBLE EMISSION REGULATIONS
EPA Region 4 is the agency responsible for the state implementation plan (SIP) development (including mobile sources related issues), designation activities for the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS), transportation conformity activity, regional haze and general air quality planning for the States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Updated as of: October 1, 2023
EPA Contact: EPA Region 4: Josue Ortiz-Borrero (404-562-8085)
Links of Interest:
- EPA Approved Regulations in the Tennessee SIP
- Approved Air Quality Implementation Plans in Region 4
- About SIPs
- Air Quality Implementation Plans
- Criteria Air Pollutants (NAAQS)
- Nonattainment Areas (Green Book)
Tennessee State Implementation Plan(SIP) Contact in the Southeastern US - EPA Region 4: Josue Ortiz-Borrero (404-562-8085)