Poster Sessions (2016 NAAMC)
Posters presentation at the National Ambient Air Monitoring conference.
- A Comparison of PM2.5, Levoglucosan, BC, and UVPM Levels for the 2014-2015 Winter Season in Santa Cruz County (pdf)
- CASTNET Ozone Monitoring Program (pdf)
- Chemical Speciation Network and IMPROVE Protocol Assessments Interactive Website (pdf)
- Data Analysis Tools for Quality Assurance - Assessing the Utility of the R-Programming Language in Technical Systems Audits (pdf)
- Design and Deployment of a Mobile Monitoring Vehicle for Measurement of Gases and Aerosols (pdf)
- Determining PM2.5 Sampler Bias at Low Ambient Concentrations (pdf)
- Developing Single and Multi-element Reference Materials for Evaluating XRF Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosols (pdf)
- Development of a Semi-Automatic System for the Spiking of Thermal Desorption Sorbent Tube with Volatile Organic Compounds for Subsequent Use as Proficiency Test or Reference Material Samples (pdf)
- Estimating Total Deposition Using NADP and CASTNET Data (pdf)
- Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Near Roadway Monitoring Using Fast Response Instruments (pdf)
- Evaluation of Ozone Concentrations at Different Inlet Heights (pdf)
- Extended Range VOC Measurements in Ambient Air using Multi-Sorbent Diffusive Monitoring Tubes (pdf)
- Increasing the Detection of Elements in the Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) (pdf)
- Initial Qualification of Stainless Steel Canisters for the Measurement of Trace (ppb) Levels of VOCS in Air (pdf)
- MeshAIR API - Standardizing Next Generation Air Monitor (NGAM) Interfaces (pdf)
- Monitoring BTEX Concentrations at Bus Stops in Taipei, Taiwan with Portable VOC Analyzers (pdf)
- An On-Site Continuous Gas Sensing Network for Complex VOCs Monitoring at Industrial Park (pdf)
- Optimization of Ozone Compliance Photometer Network (pdf)
- Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) Summary of Precision from Six Collocated Sites (pdf)
- Validation of an Advanced Ceilometer-based Boundary Layer Height Detection Algorithm (pdf)
- Digital Opacity Compliance System Second Generation (DOCS II) Cleaning the Air Through Public Empowerment Spot the Smoke, Next Generation, Citizen Science (pdf)
- Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Instruments for Fine and Ultra-Fine Airborne Particulates - Initial Results with Two New Instruments (pdf)