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District of Columbia agrees to establish improved air pollution monitoring at D.C. General Health Campus

Release Date: 02/20/2014
Contact Information: Roy Seneca, [email protected] (215) 814-5567

PHILADELPHIA (February 20, 2014) -- The District of Columbia has agreed to implement an enhanced air monitoring system at the D.C. General Health Campus, 1900 Massachusetts Ave., to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today. The district will also pay a $14,900 penalty.

The district operates the health campus, which was formerly known as the D.C. General Hospital. The consent agreement between EPA and the district resolves alleged violations of air pollution control requirements for boilers and emergency generators.

According to EPA, the violations included noncompliance with requirements to monitor for nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and visible emissions. It also included noncompliance related to testing of fuel oil for compliance with sulfur limits, as well as recordkeeping and reporting requirements. These requirements help to ensure compliance with the district’s air quality standards and the protection of public health and the environment.

As part of the settlement, the district has agreed to complete repairs, testing and operations of a continuous emission monitoring system, or CEMS within one year. The CEMS will help ensure compliance with air pollution limits for nitrogen oxides through “real-time” emission monitoring of the facility’s boilers.

Also, as part of the settlement, the district did not admit or deny liability for the cited violations. The penalty reflects the district’s compliance efforts and cooperation with EPA.

For more information on CEMS, see: and for more information on the Clean Air Act, see: .