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Release Date: 4/16/1999
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith (215) 814-5543
PHILADELPHIA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $1.1 million grant to the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to upgrade electrical systems at its treatment plant.
"As in most cities in the mid-Atlantic region, Washington’s existing wastewater treatment systems are aging and need repairing and upgrading. This money will help to prevent malfunctions and shutdowns. EPA is helping to fund a massive rehabilitation at Blue Plains," said W. Michael McCabe, EPA regional administrator.
To complete the Blue Plains rehabilitation will take several years and is estimated to cost more than $220 million. This year, EPA will provide between $50 and $60 million. EPA is funding 80 percent of D.C.’s share of the electrical systems upgrade. Previously, the District has received approximately $6.5 million annually in federal funding for wastewater improvements.
Additional funds for the electrical upgrades will be provided by the plant’s other users: Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission and Fairfax County, Virginia.
To enhance electrical systems, Blue Plains will upgrade a fire protection system for main substation transformers, develop a system to prevent oil contamination in case a transformer leaks, and replace existing transformers and switchgear apparatus.
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