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City of Allentown, EPA Enter Sustainability Pact

Release Date: 10/19/2009
Contact Information: David Sternberg, 215-814-5548, [email protected]

(PHILADELPHIA - October 19, 2009) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the City of Allentown have announced an agreement to help the City prevent pollution, minimize waste, and conserve resources while saving money.

The agreement recognizes actions that Allentown has already taken along the path toward sustainability and commits both the city and EPA to furthering that progress.

“Sustainability requires collaboration among all levels of government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations. Recognizing that environmental protection can be the engine that drives economic redevelopment, EPA will continue to support the city’s efforts to build safe and sustainable communities,” said David Campbell, Director of the Office of Sustainability for EPA’s mid-Atlantic region.

“This is a classic win-win scenario. We can draw on the EPA’s expertise and assistance to reduce our environmental footprints and save costs. Growing Greener is a priority in Allentown. We’re happy to join with the EPA in a Sustainability Partnership.” said Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski.

Under the sustainability pact, EPA and Allentown agreed to:

    · Hosting an Energy Expo which will allow residents of the city to learn how to make their homes and businesses more energy efficient, and providing them with specific tools and information about financing these improvements.

    · Developing a sustainability plan setting the stage for attracting new businesses and residents to Allentown’s forward-thinking vision of a sustainable city.

    · Utilizing EPA grant funds under the Brownfields program to clean up properties and prepare them for redevelopment. Such projects have stimulated economic development and community revitalization while improving the environment and protecting public health.
The Sustainability Partnership is an innovative pilot developed by EPA’s mid-Atlantic region to create one-stop-shopping for organizations that use large quantities of energy, water, and natural resources, and contribute to the region’s waste stream. Members often find that the program helps them save money and also makes good business sense. The partnership employs a holistic approach to evaluate environmental aspects of each organization and to identify ways to minimize adverse affects on the environment.