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EPA Takes Final Action on Virginia’s Dirty Waters List

Release Date: 5/12/1999
Contact Information: Bill Toffel (215) 814-5706 & Donna Heron (215) 814-5113

PHILADELPHIA -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is adding 83 bodies of water to Virginia’s "dirty waters list" including the Chesapeake Bay and portions of the James River.

The EPA’s action increases the total number of polluted waters in Virginia to 809.

Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires all states to submit for EPA approval every two years  a list of water bodies which do not meet water quality standards.

EPA added to Virginia’s list an additional 83 rivers, lakes and streams that do not meet water quality standards. For each of the waters on the list, Virginia is required to develop a Total Maximum Daily Load which calculates how much of a pollutant can be put into a river, lake or stream without violating water quality standards.

EPA and Virginia officials have agreed to a timetable for addressing the state’s list of polluted waters.  

Public hearings were held in Richmond and Roanoke in order to receive public comment. Dozens of people attended the hearings to speak or submit written comments.

EPA’s final decision and a 250 page summary report can be accessed on EPA’s Internet web site at

If you don’t have Internet access, or would like to have a printed copy of a certain portion or all of this information, please contact Ms. Lenka Berlin, TMDL Management and Support Unit, Water Protection Division, U.S. EPA Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103-2029. Her phone number is (215)814-5259. Fax: (215) 814-2301. Ms. Berlin’s e-mail address is: [email protected].

