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EPA’s List of Most Energy Efficient Buildings Nears 2000

Release Date: 01/25/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C.-- 01/25/05) Almost 2000 of the nation’s most energy efficient buildings have earned EPA’s ENERGY STAR, saving an estimated $200 million annually and reducing approximately six billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to the emissions of 500,000 cars. The buildings qualifying as ENERGY STAR use about 40 percent less energy without compromising comfort or services.

Currently 1,964 buildings nationwide qualify for the ENERGY STAR, representing nearly 400 million square feet. ENERGY STAR buildings protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using energy more efficiently.

Among the top performing buildings are more than 900 offices and 400 public schools. Supermarkets, medical offices, hospitals and hotels account for another 655 labeled buildings. These labeled buildings can be found every states and the District of Columbia. States that are home to the most ENERGY STAR qualifying buildings include Texas, with more than 250 qualifying buildings, and California, with more than 500 qualifying buildings. In 2004, more than 700 buildings received the ENERGY STAR label, the largest increase since the program began. More than 50 percent of the buildings joining the program were supermarkets or grocery stores. More information and a complete list of buildings, by state, is available online at: .

Buildings earn the ENERGY STAR by scoring a 75 or higher on EPA’s 100-point national energy rating scale. The average of all buildings qualifying for ENERGY STAR through 2004 is 84. These buildings must also meet industry standards for comfort and indoor air quality, as verified by a professional engineer. For more information about ENERGY STAR, visit: or call 1-888-STAR-YES.