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Whitman Appoints New Members to the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT)

Release Date: 03/26/2003
Contact Information:

Wanda Loving 202-564-7822/[email protected]

03/26/2003 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Whitman announced the new members to the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT), which was established in 1988 as an independent national council to advise the EPA Administrator on a wide range of domestic and international environmental policy, management, and technology issues. The Council has approved and published more than 50 major reports containing over 1,000 recommendations to the EPA Administrators. The following individuals were appointed to NACEPT: Dr. Valerie Petit Wilson, Deputy Director, Tulane/Xavier Center for Bio-environmental Research, Tulane University (reappointed); Ms. Cindy Angelelli, Managing Director, Duke Energy Corp.; Mr. Joel M. Bolstein, Partner, Environmental Law Practice Group, Fox Rothschild (formerly of Dechert); The Honorable Brian Brennan, Deputy Mayor, City of San Buenaventura, Calif.; Dr. Richard S. Eckaus, Ford International Professor of Economics Emeritus, MIT; Mr. John Erickson, Policy Advisor, Nebraska Governor’s Office of Policy Research; Mr. Harrison B. Rue, Executive Director, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission; and Ms. Frances Seymour, Director, Institutions and Governance Program, World Resources Institute. Under the leadership of Ms. Dorothy Bowers (NACEPT Chair), they will join the current members in identifying emerging trends, issues, and challenges facing EPA.