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Hidden Lane Landfill in Sterling, Va. added to EPA's Superfund cleanup list

Release Date: 03/19/2008
Contact Information: Roy Seneca (215) 814-5567 [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (March 19, 2008) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today added the Hidden Lane Landfill site, located in Sterling, Loudoun County, Va. to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

The NPL is a national list of sites where contaminants have impacted or might impact public health or the environment. NPL sites undergo a thorough investigation to determine the full nature and extent of the contamination prior to the cleanup by EPA or the responsible parties.

The 25-acre Hidden Lane Landfill site was an operating landfill from 1971 through 1984 that was permitted to accept solid municipal waste and construction debris. In 1985, the landfill was covered with a clay cap. It is currently vacant land.

The contaminants of concern are volatile organic compounds including trichloroethene (TCE), an industrial solvent and probable human carcinogen.

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has installed treatment systems at 22 residential wells that are known to be contaminated including nine wells with TCE levels that exceed federal drinking water standards. The Loudoun County Department of Health is strongly advising other residents located in the vicinity to install whole-house water treatment systems.

For more information about the Hidden Lane site, go to: and for more information on Superfund sites nationally go to: