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Evergreen Award for EarthGuard, Inc of Redmond

Release Date: 11/24/1997
Contact Information: Carolyn Gangmark
[email protected]
(206) 553-4072 or (800)424-4372...toll-free

November 24, 1997 - - - - - - - - - 97-70


EarthGuard, Inc., a Redmond, Washington natural landscaping company has become the sixth Northwest company to earn the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “Evergreen Award for Pollution Prevention.” The award was officially presented at the company’s offices on Tuesday, November 25th, by Barbara McAllister, EPA’s Regional Director of the Office of Innovation.

“The Evergreen Award shines the spotlight on companies that are demonstrating how to build an environmentally sustainable economy in the Northwest,” said Chuck Clarke, EPA regional administrator in Seattle.

“Companies that receive this Award for Pollution Prevention represent the leading edge of an enormous societal change. They are models of how American businesses are achieving economic prosperity without jeopardizing the environmental quality of future generations@ Clarke said. “We are continuing to look for more companies to recognize as environmental leaders.@

EarthGuard is a landscape design and maintenance company that employs conservation and integrated pest management principles for residential, business and public landscapes.

EarthGuard’s philosophy is to provide alternatives to chemical yard care, and promote environmentally sensitive yard-life systems which emphasizes low water and low maintenance landscaping. Here are some specific examples:
      • Using native plants and trees allows EarthGuard to provide the utmost aesthetic value and vigorous growth while naturally reducing the need for chemical pest controls.
      • Overall reduced use of toxic chemicals results in reduced human and animal exposure to hazardous chemicals.
      • Low volume water application is the goal for all landscapes in EarthGuard’s care. Professional installation and maintenance of low volume watering systems virtually eliminates water runoff to nearby streams and water bodies.

(*For more detailed information, see the accompanying fact sheet)
The Evergreen Award for Pollution Prevention

EPA’s Evergreen Award is designed to showcase small, medium and large companies in the Pacific Northwest that have clearly incorporated a waste-reducing ethic in their business planning.

Companies in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington will be considered for nomination if they are in full compliance with environmental laws, and meet the criteria of 1) having documented achievement in pollution prevention, 2) a commitment to the environment, and 3)a history of environmental leadership.

Nominations for the EPA Region 10 Evergreen Award for Pollution Prevention will be accepted from employees of environmental regulatory agencies as well as companies themselves. The deadline for the next round of awards is February 13, 1998. Nominations received after that date will be considered for subsequent rounds.

Complete nomination information and official forms may be obtained by contacting Carolyn Gangmark, at EPA Regional Headquarters in Seattle.