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EPA Responds to State and Local Request for Cleanup Assistance in Glenns Ferry, ID.

Release Date: 3/5/2003
Contact Information: Mark MacIntyre
[email protected]
(206) 553-7302

March 5, 2003

In response to a request from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has dispatched a cleanup team to the former Idaho Circuit Technology facility in Glenns Ferry, Elmore County, Idaho. The circuit board maker ceased operations and has been unoccupied since November, 2002. Local and state officials sought EPA’s help after toxic materials and chemicals in drums and vats were discovered at the site.

According to Greg Weigel, EPA On-Scene Coordinator, his cleanup crew has already made “good progress” securing the materials at the site for appropriate disposal.

“On February 24, all utilities were shut off to the facility,” EPA’s Weigel said. “When we arrived we found a situation that needed some attention. Without any heat at the facility, chemicals inside the building are subject to freezing temperatures, which could cause a spill or release. We’re happy to assist the state in keeping the local community safe.”

According to Glenns Ferry Mayor, Glenn Thompson, EPA’s help is appreciated.

“We’re glad to have EPA here taking care of this situation,” said Thompson. “We needed some help and they were here in a hurry.”

Weigel said he expects the work to be wrapped up by the weekend.
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