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Pro Bowl Scores Recycling Touchdown

Release Date: 02/09/2007
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - Feb. 9, 2007) For the second year in a row, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Football League are kicking up their recycling efforts at the Pro Bowl. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Hawaii and Honolulu Recovery Systems are helping EPA and the NFL collect and recycle bottles and cans in the parking lot at Aloha Stadium on Feb. 10 while fans are tailgating.

"America has embraced recycling, with millions of Americans regularly recycling at home and in the workplace," said Susan Bodine, assistant administrator of EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. "EPA and our partners are working to build on this success by showing Americans that public events can be recycling events."

This year the collection has been expanded to include additional parking lot areas, with the goal to collect over 12,000 cans and bottles, yielding $600 through deposit rebates. Community Energy, a green energy marketer and developer, has committed to match the money raised, with proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hawaii.

The Pro Bowl effort is part of EPA's goal of reaching a 35 percent recycling rate nationwide. Recycling saves energy, conserves resources, reduces greenhouse gas and other emissions, and stimulates the development of green technologies.

To make the Pro Bowl a carbon neutral event, Community Energy is also donating renewable energy credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions from the Pro Bowl and the NFL Pro Bowl Tailgate Party. The EPA will work with the NFL to calculate the net carbon savings from its Pro Bowl activities.

The Pro Bowl recycling event is one of many public space recycling projects undertaken by EPA's Recycle on the Go program. Recycle on the Go encourages recycling at concerts, sporting events and other locations. By working with partners, EPA aims to make recycling easy and convenient. The EPA and Aloha Stadium authorities will meet after Pro Bowl 2007 to discuss how to further "green" Aloha Stadium.

Information about Recycle on the Go:

Although EPA does not endorse specific clubs, businesses or organizations, the agency is willing to cooperate with other groups on similar recycling collections.

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