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Nelson Named Civilian Executive of the Year

Release Date: 10/20/2004
Contact Information:

Contact: Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(10/20/04) Government Computer News has named Kimberly T. Nelson, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Environmental Information and EPA's Chief Information Officer (CIO), Civilian Executive of the Year. The magazine announced the winners of its 17th annual Executives of the Year Awards for three categories: DoD, Civilian and Industry. The selections were made by PostNewsweek Tech Media's editorial board. These awards recognize technology excellence in government by individuals who have shown innovation, dedication, and excellence in their achievements over the past year. Nelson has helped position EPA as a leader in the federal government's implementation of electronic government (E-Government), one of the five components of the President's Management Agenda. E-Government uses the Internet to give the public greater access to federal information and services. In 2003, EPA was selected by OMB to be the lead agency on the government-wide E-Rulemaking initiative, which created a portal ( that gives the public ready access and a simple way to submit comments on proposed regulations for all agencies. Nelson also serves as Co-chairperson of the Federal CIO Council's Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, and has made significant contributions in other areas including the National Environmental Information Exchange Network, Central Data Exchange, enterprise architecture and E-dockets. More information on the Government Computer News awards is available at: .