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Comprehensive Review of Widely-Used Insecticide Carbaryl Completed
Release Date: 07/03/2003
Contact Information:
David Deegan 202-564-7839 / [email protected]
(07/03/03) On June 30, EPA completed a thorough assessment of the pesticide carbaryl, one of the most widely-used insecticides in agriculture. Stemming from the Agency’s evaluation, EPA is requiring new measures to ensure protection for homeowners, agricultural workers and the environment. EPA’s actions will reduce potential exposures of residential users and children to this pesticide by eliminating most pet care and aerosol products, as well as liquid lawn care applications. Exposures to people who apply carbaryl in agriculture and those who enter treated areas will be reduced in the following ways: cancelling some uses and application methods; reducing maximum application rates; eliminating aerial application for certain crops; requiring more personal protective equipment and engineering controls; and extending restricted entry intervals for many crops. Carbaryl can pose risks to honey bees, aquatic invertebrates and other aquatic animals. No concerns were identified related to dietary exposure to residues of carbaryl. EPA will also conduct a cumulative risk assessment for carbamate pesticides, and when this is completed, the Agency will evaluate whether further risk mitigation may be needed for carbaryl. A Federal Register notice announcing the beginning of a public comment period on the decisions contained in this action will be published shortly. The “Interim Re-registration Eligibility Decision” for carbaryl, and related documents including EPA risk assessments and a summary of this decision, will be available at: .
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