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EPA To Join in Air Summit

Release Date: 5/29/2003
Contact Information: Jeff Philip
[email protected]
(206) 553-1465

May 29, 2003

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today its participation in the Northwest Air Summit, June 3-5 in Seattle, Washington. At the Summit, sponsored by the Northwest Collaborative Air Priorities Project (NW-CAPP), a broad range of people and organizations will identify priorities and specific actions to protect regional air quality for the next 5-10 years.

EPA decision makers will join leaders from industry , tribes, state and local government, environmental and health organizations to reach agreement on the priority air quality concerns for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.

"This type of collaboration is unprecedented in addressing air pollution concerns," said Jon Iani, Administrator of EPA's Regional Office in Seattle. "This event moves us toward a shared vision. It's encouraging to see so many groups coming together to recognize common goals and work towards sustainable solutions."

EPA's Regional Office in Seattle convened the NW-CAPP last fall, bringing together a group of people representing diverse interests including the Washington State Department of Ecology, American Lung Association of Washington, Washington Association of Wheat Growers, British Petroleum, Oregon Forest Industries Council, Southwest Washington Clean Air Agency, Portland State University, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, University of Washington, National Policy Consensus Center, City of Idaho Falls, Anchorage Citizens Coalition, U.S. Army, Olympic Region Clean Air Agency and an advisor from Environment Canada.

"This is not the government-in-charge model, " said Iani. "We urge anyone with a genuine interest to help map out the future for air quality."

To register or learn more about the Northwest Air Summit and Northwest Collaborative Air Priorities Project visit the NW-CAPP website. Registration is free.