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4,000-plus expected at 10th national Brownfields conference Nov. 2nd - 4th at Denver’s Colorado Convention Center

Release Date: 3/10/2005
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      DENVER – More than 4,000 participants are expected at the 2005 Brownfields Conference to be held Nov. 2 – 4 at the Colorado Convention Center here.

Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the International City/County Managers Association, the conference, dubbed, “Brownfields 2005: Reaching New Heights in Redevelopment,” will focus on nationwide Brownfields issues as well as the unique environmental issues facing the West, including Tribal Brownfields, mining sites, watershed issues, rural community issues and sustainability.

The conference will feature many learning and networking opportunities, including more than 100 educational sessions and 200 exhibits promoting research and exploration of solutions to Brownfields redevelopment challenges. The technical program will feature educational sessions, plenaries and workshops. Panel sessions and the popular Marketplace of Ideas roundtables will cover key topics of interest to Brownfields stakeholders.

The “Transaction Forum” sponsored by ICMA and a highlight of last year’s event is slated for an encore. This event brings together stakeholders and dealmakers, such as community representatives, property owners, developers and real estate professionals to facilitate redevelopment opportunities and transactions right at the conference.

The educational program will cover many Brownfields-related tracks such as: environmental management; sustainable development and green building; public policy, law and regulation; financing and investment; information technology innovations; community involvement, environmental justice and public health; real estate deal making; economic development and planning; and federal facilities.

Each track will engage specific subject areas. For example, financing and investment will feature federal financing; private investing; environmental insurance; risk management; state and local financing; and tax credits and strategies. Real estate deal making will feature site marketing; commercial redevelopment; mixed-use redevelopment; industrial development; residential redevelopment; and mothballed properties.

Conference attendance has grown substantially each year from approximately 500 attendees in 1996 to just over 4,000 last year in St. Louis. Mile High City officials anticipate well over 4,000 attendees this year.

For more information regarding conference registration, presentation opportunities, exhibits or poster sessions, visit the 2005 Brownfields Conference website:, or contact the Region 8 Coordinator, Robin Coursen at [email protected].