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EPA and Niehs to Fund Research Centers on Children’s Health and the Environment
Release Date: 01/31/2003
Contact Information:
Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/[email protected]
(01/31/03) EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) are calling for applications from nonprofit institutions to establish up to six centers for research on the causes and prevention of health concerns in children that could be related to environmental exposures. Health impacts from environmental contaminants can be particularly detrimental for children as their nervous systems are still developing. Specific areas identified for research include respiratory diseases, neurodevelopment and neurobehavior, childhood cancers, birth defects and other conditions. These research centers will develop innovative strategies to measure environmental exposures in children and will conduct research to reduce hazardous exposures and their adverse health effects. An important goal of this project is to translate research findings into input for public policy, community needs and information for the health care community and general public. This Request for Applications (RFA) builds upon the work completed by 12 EPA/NIEHS Centers for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research established in 1998 and 2002. The RFA is also a part of EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program. Applications are due by May 16, 2003. For more information, see:
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