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McCoy Field Documents Posted to EPA Web site

Release Date: 06/29/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan, EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017, [email protected]

For Immediate Release: June 29, 2005; Release # dd050609

(New Bedford) - EPA has created a Web site that contains all public documents related to the Agency’s review of a plan by the City of New Bedford to address PCB contamination at the McCoy Field site, in New Bedford.

Posting this information on the EPA Web site is in response to public comments expressed at a June 22 meeting in New Bedford. By taking this action, EPA is ensuring that the citizens of New Bedford and other interested members of the public have easy access to documents related to EPA’s review of the City’s plan to address PCB contamination at McCoy Field.

The documents posted on EPA’s Web site are the official administrative record related to EPA’s review of plans to address PCB contamination at McCoy Field. The same information has previously been available in hard copy (paper form) at the New Bedford Free Public Library (613 Pleasant St., New Bedford).

To view the administrative record and other related materials online, see:

Earlier this month, EPA completed review of New Bedford’s plan to address contamination of McCoy Field with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). Based on the specific technical components of the plan to clean the site, EPA issued a draft approval of the city’s plan.

EPA’s evaluation of the City‘s is focused on ensuring an effective clean up remedy for the site that will be protective of human health. While EPA did not play a decision-making role in the selection of the site for the new Keith Middle School, the site will be protective for site users following clean up work.

A public comment period is now open regarding EPA’s draft approval of the McCoy Field PCB clean up strategy, specifically regarding the plan’s technical merits and other information relevant to the site’s long-term monitoring and maintenance.

The public comment period ends on July 15, 2005. Public comments must be received in writing by July 15 to be considered. Comments should be sent to: New Bedford - McCoy Field Comments c/o Kimberly Tisa, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, One Congress Street, Suite 1100 (CPT), Boston, MA 02114-2023, or via e-mail at: [email protected], or via fax:at 617-918-0527.

Related Information:
New Bedford Harbor
Standard Times Field
List of Cleanup and Reuse Sites in New Bedford