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EPA Reaches Agreement with Carmeuse Lime to Control Dust from its Chicago Plant

Release Date: 08/07/2012
Contact Information: Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, [email protected]

Chicago (Aug. 7, 2012 ) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reached agreement with Carmeuse Lime, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to resolve Clean Air Act violations at its Chicago lime manufacturing facility. The company will pay a $350,000 fine and spend $125,000 on lead abatement in south side neighborhoods.

“As a result of this agreement, residents of Chicago’s south side will breathe cleaner air and children will be protected from lead contamination,” said EPA Regional Administrator Susan Hedman.

EPA and the City of Chicago conducted a joint inspection of the Carmeuse plant in response to complaints from local residents about excess dust. The inspection revealed poor maintenance at the facility, which led to the release of dust into the surrounding neighborhood.

The consent decree requires Carmeuse to upgrade and replace equipment and to improve maintenance and housekeeping practices. By implementing these changes, which have been/will be incorporated in the facility's air permit, Carmeuse will dramatically reduce the amount of dust released into the neighborhood.

Under terms of the consent decree, Carmeuse will also hire a nonprofit organization to install new energy-efficient windows in neighborhood homes that have window frames with lead-based paint. Window replacements will occur in the houses of low income residents with young children in the Englewood, West Englewood and South Chicago neighborhoods.

Carmeuse is a major lime producer, with 35 facilities in the United States and Canada.