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EPA Plans Four Possible New and Revised Industrial Wastewater Controls

Release Date: 08/28/2004
Contact Information: John Millett , (202) 564-7842 / [email protected]

(08/27/04) EPA plans to examine four industry sectors for possible new or updated wastewater controls. Under EPA’s 2004 Effluent Guidelines Plan, airport de-icing operations and drinking water supply and treatment facilities are candidates for possible new regulations. In addition, EPA may update existing industrial wastewater regulations for vinyl chloride manufacturing facilities and producers of chlorine that use the chlor-alkali process. Effluent guidelines are national regulations that improve water quality by controlling the discharge of pollutants by specific industries – from manufacturing and agriculture to service industries – into U.S. waters. By having effluent guidelines, over the past 30 years, EPA has prevented the discharge of more than 690 billion pounds of pollutants a year. The Clean Water Act requires EPA to annually review and, if appropriate, revise effluent guidelines already in effect. Every two years, the Agency must also publish a plan and schedule for its annual review and revision of effluent guidelines that are currently in place. The plan also identifies and establishes a rulemaking schedule for industries not currently covered by effluent guidelines. More information about EPA’s 2004 Effluent Guidelines Plan is available at: