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Whiteman Announces Environmental Compliance Tool for Builders - Contractors Association Praised for 'Performance Track' Participation

Release Date: 05/01/2003
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(05/01/03) EPA Administrator Christie Whitman today unveiled a new EPA-funded Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center (CICAcenter), the first of two such centers to be announced this month that will provide Web-based information and resources to further assist compliance with important federal and state environmental regulations. Whitman also honored the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) for recently becoming a partner in EPA’s National Performance Track Network, a voluntary partnership program that recognizes and rewards businesses and public facilities that demonstrate strong environmental performance beyond current requirements.

“By getting clear guidance to the people in the field, those who can make a positive impact on the environment, we believe the use of this Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center will substantially increase their compliance with the new stormwater regulations and other important regulations such as those involving wetlands, asbestos, and lead paint,” Whitman said.

A 1999 EPA study found that out of approximately 60,000 construction starts that were subject to the stormwater control regulations, roughly two thirds lacked the necessary permits. Stormwater runoff from construction sites is a primary cause of water body impairment. The Agency’s new stormwater regulations, which now apply to all sites over one acre, impact even more companies, most of which are small- or medium-sized businesses. Other environmental concerns involving the construction industry include improper handling of waste oil, toxics (asbestos, lead), hazardous components in construction and demolition wastes, and airborne particulate matter.

The new web-based CICAcenter, found at at, was developed by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, in partnership with the Associated General Contractors of America, the National Association of Home Builders, the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, and the Golf Course Builders Association of America. With this new compliance tool, users will find plain-language explanations of applicable regulations, as well as links to state and local regulatory agencies.

Next week, EPA plans to launch another compliance assistance center, for the nation’s automotive recyclers. On May 9, J.P. Suarez, EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance will announce the new Environmental Compliance Automotive Recyclers Center (ECARcenter) at the Automotive Recyclers Association’s (ARA) leadership conference in Washington, D.C. ECARcenter, a cooperative effort between the ARA and the National Center for Manufacturing Science, will help automotive recyclers comply with environmental regulations. The ECARcenter, also under development, can be found at

With the addition of these new Centers, EPA has partnered with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other agencies to develop a total of 13 sector-specific Compliance Assistance Centers. In addition to the Construction Industry and Auto Recyclers Centers, other Centers include agriculture, auto repair, chemical, federal facilities, local government, metal finishing, painting and coatings, printed wiring board, printing, transportation, and US / Mexican border environmental issues. Through Web sites, telephone assistance lines, fax-back systems, and e-mail discussion groups, the Centers are helping businesses, local governments, and federal facilities understand federal environmental requirements and save money through pollution prevention techniques.

Administrator Whitman announced the launch of the CICAcenter at the AGC’s National and Chapter Leadership Conference at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington, D.C.

To visit all Compliance Assistance Centers, see