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Media Advisory: Sixth Graders Put Finishing Touches on Great Lakes Legacy Act Ashtabula River Cleanup

Release Date: 04/30/2010
Contact Information: Kären Thompson, 312-353-8547, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA45

(Chicago, Ill. – April 30, 2010) --- Sixth graders from Lakeside Intermediate School’s After School Discovery program will plant native seedlings to mark the completion of the $60 million Ashtabula River Legacy Act cleanup.

WHO: Cameron Davis, senior advisor on the Great Lakes to the U.S. EPA administrator; Chris Korleski, director of the Ohio EPA; Charles Wooley, deputy regional director of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Sen. George Voinovich; Max Blachman representing U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown; Ohio Department of Natural Resources; Ashtabula River Coop group II; Ashtabula City Port Authority; and Norfolk Southern Corp.

WHAT: Will host an event celebrating the completion of a habitat restoration project that partnered federal, state and local groups with area youth to improve ecological habitat for plants, wildlife and fish. 500,000 cubic yards of sediment was removed from the Ashtabula River in 2007, making it the largest of the Great Lakes Legacy Act funded projects. This is the first habitat project ever completed under the Legacy Act.

WHERE: Ashtabula Harbor, Raoul’s Boathouse and the peninsula nearby where the planting will take place. Take Hwy 45 until it ends. Turn right onto 531. Take 531 to Main Street. Take a right just before the bridge to the Ashtabula Yacht Club. You will then be directed to the Boathouse.

WHEN: Friday, May 7. Remarks at 1 p.m. Planting on the peninsula to follow immediately.

PHOTO OP: Interested media will be transported to the area where the Discovery program sixth graders will be planting seedlings.

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