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EPA Honors Clean Air Initiatives from Across the Country Winners demonstrate excellence in innovation, commitment

Release Date: 05/26/2010
Contact Information: Dave Ryan [email protected] 202-564-7827 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is presenting the 10th annual Clean Air Excellence Awards for 2009 honoring 14 organizations and one individual for reducing pollution, promoting environmental education and creating green products and jobs throughout the United States.

“Innovation and commitment are the keys to environmental progress, and our Clean Air Excellence Award winners are tremendous examples of these traits,” said Gina McCarthy, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. “These winners are leading the way toward cleaner air and a healthier environment.”

Award-winning entries were required to directly or indirectly reduce air pollution, demonstrate innovation, provide a model for others to follow, and offer sustainable outcomes.

This year’s awards recipients were selected out of 124 applicants and represent achievements in the following categories: clean air technology, education/outreach, regulatory policy, innovation and transportation efficiency. Two additional special awards are given for outstanding individual achievement and for overall environmental excellence.

Clean Air Act programs have cut air pollution from tailpipes and smokestacks, improving air quality and the health of millions of Americans. While the U.S. economy has expanded, combined emissions of the six common pollutants – including lead, smog and soot – have declined 54 percent since 1990. Despite this progress, about 127 million Americans live in counties that do not meet at least one of the national air quality standards, so EPA and state, tribal, and local governments continue efforts to protect air quality, public health and the environment.

For more information about this year’s awards: