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EPA Withdraws Proposal to Add Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant to National Priorities List

Release Date: 04/18/2006
Contact Information: Shawntell Martin, (913) 551-7676, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., April 18, 2006) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today withdrew its proposal to add the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant in DeSoto, Kan., to the National Priorities List.

EPA withdrew its proposal because the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has agreed to be the lead agency for oversight of site cleanup actions by the site owner under a Kansas consent order. The work was previously done under a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act corrective action permit. The permit has been deferred to the state consent order.

The Superfund National Priorities List is a listing of hazardous waste sites that have the highest national priority for cleanup. The site was proposed in February 1995.

Additional information about the Superfund National Priorities List is available at:

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