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EPA Chief Hosts Mexico and Canada Leaders at Commission for Environmental Cooperation Meeting

Release Date: 07/09/2012
Contact Information: Stacy Kika (News Media Only), [email protected], 202-564-0906, 202-564-4355; en español: Lina Younes, [email protected], 202-564-9924, 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON Tomorrow U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson will join Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent and Mexican Environment Secretary Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada in New Orleans, La. for the 19th Annual Council at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) session.

Administrator Jackson will lead discussions on major challenges facing North America’s environment and the CEC’s ongoing efforts to address these challenges. The meetings will also focus on efforts to establish a more efficient process for citizen submissions on enforcement matters, supporting the development of healthier communities and strengthening community and ecosystem resilience.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
1:45-4:45 p.m. CDT CEC Council Session Public Meeting
Intercontinental Hotel, La Salle Ballroom A, 444 Saint Charles Ave, New Orleans, La.

Media wishing to attend should RSVP to EPA at [email protected] and Megan Ainscow at the CEC ([email protected]).

Participate in the conversation with hashtag: #CEC12

The CEC is an international organization established by the United States, Canada, and Mexico under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), an additional agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Since its creation in 1994, the CEC has advanced our understanding of trade-environment linkages, successfully promoted citizen engagement and increased government accountability regarding enforcement, achieved substantial results on key North American issues such as chemicals management and the conservation of North American biodiversity, and built substantial environmental capacities, particularly in Mexico, but also in the United States and Canada.

More information on the CEC and to view the event live:

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