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EPA to Hold Five National Dialogues for Public Comment on the “Draft Report on the Environment”

Release Date: 10/23/2003
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(10/23/03) EPA’s Office of Environmental Information, Office of Research and Development and EPA’ regional offices will conduct five national dialogue sessions with stakeholders to solicit feedback on the “Draft Report on the Environment,” issued June 23. This report is the first national picture of U.S. environmental conditions and health across five key areas: air, water, land, human health and ecosystems. EPA will invite representatives from federal, state and local government, tribes, academia, non-governmental organizations and private industry. Interested citizens will have an opportunity to provide comments during each meeting. The five sessions will be held: Nov. 6 - Chicago - Region 5; Nov. 13 - Atlanta - Region 4; Nov. 18 - San Francisco - Region 9; Nov. 20 - Seattle - Region 10; and Dec. 12 - Dallas - Region 6. For more information, go to the Federal Register notice at: and click on Oct. 15th. To obtain a copy of the report or to submit comments online, go to: EPA’s Indicators website at: .