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Chester County Resident Honored with Prestigious EPA Award

Release Date: 06/29/2009
Contact Information: Donna Heron 215-814-5113 / [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (June 29, 2009) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s mid-Atlantic region presented the 2009 Public Service Award to Andrew Kreider, of Schuylkill Township, Pa., at its annual Employee Recognition Ceremony on May 5.

The Public Service Award honors an employee for exemplary public service beyond what is expected from his or her job, either through other endeavors at EPA or other venues outside of work.

In April 2007, Andrew Kreider applied for and was accepted for training by the national non-profit organization The Climate Project. On his own time, and paying for all his own travel expenses, he attended training sessions held in Nashville, Tenn., including sessions presented by Al Gore,” said last year’s EPA winner Stacie Petersen. “Andrew is an exceptional communicator who has made more than 20 presentations, travelling all around the Northeast on his own dime to discuss issues of climate change and to explain technical information in non-technical terms to all types of audiences."

Kreider, who has worked at EPA for 12 years, graduated from Devon Preparatory School in 1992 and graduated from Penn State University’s Schreyer Honors College with a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1996. He is an environmental project manager with the Air Protection Division.

“I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to speak with so many people about global warming and what each of us can do to live more sustainably,” said Kreider. “Being part of The Climate Project – and receiving this recognition from EPA – are real honors.”

EPA’s mid-Atlantic region covers Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.