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EPA seeks $44,190 from Firestone Pacific Foods, Inc. for failure to file Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals Report

Release Date: 09/24/2007
Contact Information: Suzanne Powers, (360) 753-9475, [email protected] Bob Hartman, (206) 553-0029, [email protected] Tony Brown, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

(Vancouver, Wash. – Sept. 24, 2007) Firestone Pacific Foods, Inc., a processor of quick frozen fruit based in Vancouver, Washington, has been issued an Administrative Complaint seeking a proposed penalty of $44,190 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. According to EPA officials, the complaint stems from the company’s alleged failure to provide required hazardous chemical inventory information to state and local emergency planning officials, as well as the local fire department, which are violations of the Emergency Planning And Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).

Documents associated with the case reveal that for calendar years 2001 through 2005, Firestone’s Vancouver facility located at 4211 NW Fruit Valley Road failed to file the inventory reports with the State Emergency Response Commission, the Local Emergency Planning Committee and the Vancouver Fire Department. The penalties pertain to the failure to report information about the ammonia that is used as a refrigerant on-site at the facility.

"Local fire fighters and emergency responders need all the information they can get to protect themselves and keep the public safe,” said Mike Bussell, Director of EPA’s Office of Compliance & Enforcement in Seattle. "Proper planning and responsible information-sharing – as required by law - helps save lives and protect the environment.”

Firestone’s two freezer rooms are cooled with ammonia. Ammonia is listed as an extremely hazardous substance under Section 302 of the Emergency Planning And Community Right to Know Act. Firestone has 30 days to respond to the Complaint.

For more about the Emergency Planning And Community Right-to-Know Act: