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Augusta County Twice Honored by EPA For Protecting Waters

Release Date: 12/15/2011
Contact Information: David Sternberg (215) 814-5548 [email protected]

(PHILADELPHIA - December 15, 2011) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded two prestigious awards to the Augusta County Service Authority, in Augusta County, Va.; the Source Water Protection Award for protecting existing and potential drinking water sources and the PISCES award recognizing leadership and innovation in utilizing clean water infrastructure funds.

“Drinking water is a finite and precious resource, and we commend Augusta County’s leadership in protecting it,” said EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. “Other municipalities would be well-served to follow their example in adopting source water protection ordinances.”

The Augusta County Service Authority coordinated the development of one of the strongest source water protection zoning ordinances in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The ordinance, passed in February 2011, helps to protect ground water sources of drinking water from adverse impacts such as contamination from hazardous materials or petroleum products, or loss of water in underground aquifers which supply drinking water in the County.

“We’ve invested a lot of resources in establishing our drinking water supply,” said Augusta County Service Authority Executive Director Ken Fanfoni. “The ordinance will help to prevent it being jeopardized by careless actions or unforeseen events.”

The Source Water Protection Award recognizes organizations and communities that take steps to protect drinking water sources in EPA’s mid-Atlantic region. For more information on source water protection, visit:

EPA also presented the 2010 PISCES Award to the Authority. The PISCES award stands for
P erformance and Innovation in the State Revolving Fund Creating Environmental Success.

The Augusta County Service Authority is recognized for performance and innovation in utilizing Clean Water infrastructure funds. The PISCES award highlights projects that successfully further the goal of clean and safe water with exceptional planning, management, and financing.

The Augusta County Service Authority is making use of Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans to fund projects that reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus discharged to tributaries of the Potomac, Shenandoah and Chesapeake Bay watersheds. Projects were initiated at several wastewater treatment plants to enhance nutrient removal and increase energy efficiency. These projects will increase the sustainability and effectiveness of the wastewater treatment process protecting local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.