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Idaho's Impaired Waters List Approved

Release Date: 5/4/2000
Contact Information: Paula VanHaagen and Leigh Woodruff
[email protected]
(206) 553-2857 and (208) 378-5774

May 4, 2000 - - - - - - - - - - 00-28

136 Stream Segments to be Added:
Existing Data Compels Additions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved the latest list of Idaho*s pollutant-impaired waters produced by the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality(IDEQ). The Agency has also named an additional 136 waters that qualify for listing under the state*s current water quality standards. Of the additions to the List -- also known as the Section 303(d) List -- 134 were added for temperature and 2 were added for other pollutants.

According to Randy Smith, Director of EPA's Water Office in Seattle, the state has made visible progress in assessing their impaired waters.

“For the most part, Idaho*s hitting the target,” said Smith. “The Clean Water Act and existing state standards require that we add these other waters, but overall we're very encouraged by the progress we've made in partnership with the state.”

For the 136 added segments, temperature data indicates that applicable temperature criteria were exceeded for 134 waters. An additional two segments were added because there is no information available that water quality standards are now being met in each.

As part of the listing process, EPA has issued a public notice to seek comments on its proposed changes to Idaho's 1998 Section 303(d) list. By this notice, EPA proposes for public review and comment the addition of 136 water bodies to Idaho's List.

The names, locations and boundaries of the 136 segments proposed for addition, may be obtained by calling Joan Bean, at 208-378-5747, by writing to the address listed at the top of the page, or at the following EPA website: .

EPA is seeking public comments on its proposal to add these waters to Idaho's 1998 List. People wishing to comment on the proposed changes should do so in writing by the close of the public comment period, June 8, 2000.

All comments should include the name, address, and telephone number of the person offering the comment, a concise statement of the comment, and the relevant facts upon which it is based. Written comments must be postmarked no later than June 8, 2000. Please send your comments to EPA at the following address:

1435 North Orchard
Boise Idaho 83706
ATTN: Joan Bean

Comments may also be faxed no later than June 8, 2000 to EPA, attention of Joan Bean, at (208) 378-5744. Comments may also be submitted electronically, by no later than June 8, 2000 by sending comments to the following E-mail address: [email protected].