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New Technology for Environmental Solutions Collaborating for Results

Release Date: 04/04/2007
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – April 3, 2007) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Programs will host a workshop on May 8, 2007, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the EPA Region 6 office, 1445 Ross Avenue, in Dallas, Texas. Join us at the workshop to learn about new innovative technology to help solve important environmental issues, such as polluted air, land and water, and the need for cleaner energy.
A sampling of the technologies to be discussed includes:

Diesel retrofit and baghouse filtration for air pollution control Fuel cells, microturbines and geothermal systems, as well as low-cost biodiesel production for greener energy

Stormwater and on-site residential wastewater treatment for protecting water quality

Grouts, coatings, and linings for water infrastructure rehabilitation Mercury emission monitors and immunoassay test kits for better source and ambient air and water monitoring

Water quality monitors for detecting pathogens and hormonal activity to protect drinking water, source water, and recreational waters Nano-, micro- and ultra-filtration, and reverse osmosis for drinking water treatment, as well as emergency mobile drinking water treatment units

Cleaner coating processes for reduced volatile emissions

State and local agencies, as well as trade associations are collaborating on these projects.

Their representatives will discuss how partnerships are key to new technology success and commercialization. ETV and SBIR will showcase on-going technology development and evaluation efforts, propose priority
technology categories of interest for the future, and seek input from participants about what new technology areas to pursue. If you are an environmental technology user, regulator, or developer, and have ideas for which technologies need to be supported - by funding research and development under SBIR, or by third-party objective testing of commercial-ready technologies under ETV - please plan to participate in this workshop. Environmental professionals from the public and private sectors and the general public are encouraged to attend.

To register for this event, or for more information, please visit . For information on the ETV Program contact Abby Waits, EPA, at (513) 569-7884 or [email protected] . For information on the SBIR program contact April Richards, EPA, at (202) 343-9836 or [email protected] . Information on the ETV and SBIR Programs is also available at and .
