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EPA Signs Record of Decision on West Lake Landfill Superfund Site in Bridgeton, Mo.

Release Date: 05/29/2008
Contact Information: Chris Whitley, (913) 551-7394, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., May 29, 2008) - Installations of a multi-layered engineered cover and a system of new monitoring wells are among a series of key remedial actions that will best serve to protect groundwater resources and human health at the West Lake Landfill Superfund Site in Bridgeton, Mo., according to a plan formally approved today by EPA.

EPA's Record of Decision document (PDF) (124 pp, 4.1MB, About PDF) on the West Lake Landfill site also includes public comments that the Agency received about its preferred remedy, which was presented at three public meetings held June 22, 2006; September 14, 2006; and March 27, 2008.

"We believe it is imperative to move ahead by placing a properly engineered cover on the landfill," EPA Region 7 Administrator John Askew said. "The cover would serve as a stable barrier to minimize future exposure to waste material, as the landfill currently has no such protective cap."

EPA's design process also calls for the installation of a new system of monitoring wells around the site, and for long-term groundwater sampling to occur, with the results of all tests to be made available to the public.

The Agency's next steps for West Lake Landfill will be to work closely with the site's owners and responsible parties as they identify and secure the services of various contractors to develop specific engineering designs, construct the landfill cover, install the monitoring wells, and establish specific schedules and measures for sampling procedures and sharing test results.

Other official documents and information pertaining to the site are available for public review at the St. Louis County Library's Bridgeton Trails Branch, 3455 McKelvey Road, in Bridgeton, Mo.; or at the EPA Region 7 Records Center, 901 North 5th Street, in Kansas City, Kan.

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The Superfund Program applies scientific solutions to hazardous waste sites.