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EPA Reports on Coffeyville Oil Spill Air and Water Samples

Release Date: 07/13/2007
Contact Information: Dianna Whitaker, (800) 223-0425, [email protected] or Beckie Himes, (800) 223-0425, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., July 13, 2007) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency collected nine flood water samples in Coffeyville from July 2 through July 5, 2007. These samples were tested for pesticide, PCB, metal, and organic contaminants. Metals were detected in each sample at concentrations consistent with what would be expected for sediment-laden surface water. No metals were found at a concentration that would pose a short- or long-term health effect.

Some organic contaminants, normally found in refined petroleum products, were detected in one sample, but at concentrations that would not be expected to pose a health hazard. Pesticides and PCBs were not detected.

Fifteen ambient air samples were collected in Coffeyville from July 2 through July 6. Twenty-one different compounds were detected in the samples. While there are no ambient air criteria for the compounds detected, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has established short-term (14 days or less) exposure levels for seven of the compounds. All seven compounds are at or below these levels. Of the remaining compounds, all but three are below established long-term health criteria.

Air samples collected on July 2 contained 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene, and 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, which are common additives in gasoline. Although short-term screening levels are not available for these compounds, subsequent samples collected between July 3 and July 9 showed the levels dropping to below detection.

Additional information about these Coffeyville oil spill sampling results is available on the EPA Region 7 Web site.

EPA continues to oversee the oil containment and cleanup work conducted by the Coffeyville refinery. EPA is also working closely with local and state agencies as recovery efforts move forward.

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