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EPA Extends Comment Period to August 25, 2004 for Shpack Site and Reschedules Public Hearing to August 4, 2004

Release Date: 07/13/04
Contact Information: Contacts: Alice Kaufman, EPA Community Affairs, (617) 918-1064

For Immediate Release: July 13, 2004; Release #04-06-14
Boston - EPA today announced that it will extend the public comment period on the proposed cleanup for the Shpack Superfund Site in Norton Massachusetts to August 25, 2004. This decision was made in response to requests from citizens. In addition, the public hearing originally scheduled for July 21st, 2004 has been rescheduled to August 4, 2004 at 7:00 pm.

The location, the J.C. Solmonese School, 315 West Main Street in Norton is unchanged.

At a June 23, 2004 public information meeting in Norton, Mass., EPA and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection discussed the details of the proposed cleanup plan for the site that includes:

    • extending the public water supply line to two residences adjacent to the landfill that currently have private wells
    • excavating and disposing of contaminated soils
    • consolidating contaminated sediments in wetland areas and restoring and/or replicating disturbed wetlands
    • monitoring groundwater, maintaining the cap on the landfill, and securing the site to control access
A copy of the Proposed Plan can be viewed online at

EPA is accepting public comment from June 24, 2004 to August 25, 2004. All comments will be considered in preparing a final decision for the site. EPA is particularly interested in comments on a finding of no practical alternative to wetland impacts and a determination that the cleanup of PCB-contaminated soil be done in accordance with the federal Toxic Substances Control Act.

Six acres of the 9.4 acre site in Norton, Massachusetts, had been a dump that accepted industrial wastes, including radioactive materials. This site is currently owned by the town. The remaining 3.4 acres located in Attleboro, Massachusetts, is owned by ALI, Inc.

Among the contaminants identified at the site are: radium, uranium, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, PCBs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

To provide formal comments, you may offer oral comments during the public hearing or send written comments postmarked no later than August 25, 2004 to:
      Dave Lederer
      US EPA
      1 Congress St., Suite 1100 (HBO)
      Boston, MA 02114 Or
      [email protected]
Related Information:
Shpack Landfill Fact Sheet
Superfund in New England
Long-Term Cleanups