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Asbestos Project Plan Available

Release Date: 11/30/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Dale Kemery, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

EPA is releasing the Asbestos Project Plan describing its current and planned actions to ensure a coordinated agency-wide approach to identify, evaluate and reduce the risks to people from asbestos exposure. The Asbestos Project Plan represents EPA's comprehensive effort to address asbestos concerns and protect public health. The plan focuses on improving the state of the science for asbestos; identifying and addressing exposure and seeking risk reduction opportunities associated with asbestos in products, schools and buildings; and better understanding and minimizing asbestos exposures through assessment and cleanup. The agency is also currently updating the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) file for asbestos and has started work on the non-cancer assessment. As part of its effort to address asbestos-related issues comprehensively, EPA is working with other federal agencies and with state and tribal representatives to ensure that there is appropriate coordination among government agencies. As the agency obtains new information, it will take additional appropriate steps to address asbestos exposure and reduce risk to the public. EPA is committed to providing accurate and timely public health information and is continuing to address concerns about asbestos. To help the public to learn more about asbestos issues, EPA has provided detailed information on its web page at: