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EPA, NFL Team Up for Pro Bowl Recycling Project

Release Date: 02/09/2006
Contact Information: Kerry Humphrey, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

    (Washington, D.C.-2/09/06) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has teamed up with the National Football League and five other partners to support efforts to recycle beverage containers in the parking lot areas of Aloha Stadium during Pro Bowl 2006 on Feb. 12.

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Football League, Office of Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, Honolulu Recovery, Aloha Stadium and Ridgeway International will support the efforts of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hawaii to distribute recycling bags labeled, "Be a Pro, Recycle Before You Go" to vehicles entering the tailgating area. Patrons can leave bags of "HI-5" labeled containers in their parking spaces behind their vehicles. The bags of recyclable containers will be collected and taken to a local "HI-5" redemption facility, with proceeds donated to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hawaii.

    The EPA will use the Pro Bowl recycling project as part of its "Recycling On The Go" model for promoting bottle and can recycling at special events and recreational activities nationwide.

    "While more Americans are recycling at home, conserving our resources shouldn't stop at the front door," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "By protecting the environment through reducing, reusing, and recycling, EPA and our partners are helping transform the throw-away culture into a recycling culture – even while on the go."

    The EPA will be tracking the total number of bottles and cans collected, number of cars receiving bags and the number of bags collected. The amount of pounds generated, and the disposal costs saved by the stadium, will also be tracked.

    Aloha Stadium and Ridgeway International will be providing game day support. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Hawaii will provide volunteeers to collect recyclables. Honolulu Recovery has donated use of a recycling collection container and hauling services. Industry partners, the Aluminum Association, and the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers will be providing the collection bags.

    The EPA is working toward a goal of a 35 percent recycling rate nationwide. Recycling saves energy, conserves resources, reduces the need for new landfills and incinerators, and stimulates the development of green technologies.

    More information about recycling:

    Although EPA does not endorse specific clubs, businesses, or organizations, the agency is willing to cooperate with other groups on similar recycling collections.