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Two Rhode Islanders Receive EPA Award

Release Date: 04/22/1996
Contact Information: Frank McIntyre, Office of External Programs; (617) 918-1095

BOSTON-- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will recognize 35 New England environmental champions, including former Journal environmental writer Robert Fredriksen and Brown University's Harold Ward, with Environmental Merit Awards during an Earth Day celebration today at Faneuil Hall in Boston.

"New Englanders have a long tradition of being acutely aware of their environment and taking action to protect it. We are pleased to honor just a few of those that truly deserve recognition for their actions." said EPA Regional Administrator John DeVillars. " The winners, in fact all of the nominees, set an example for all of us to follow."

When presenting the award to Fredriksen, DeVillars said, "Bob last month ended nearly a half century at the Journal, where he first began covering the environmental issues in 1972 with an article on water quality. Continuing with extensive coverage of such issues as clean air and land planning in the ensuing 24 years would certainly rank Bob as the dean of New England environmental journalists."

About Ward, DeVillars said, "Through the Center for Urban Environmental Studies, Harold has not only developed a program and curriculum that other universities have sought to emulate, but he has brought his university and students into the community to learn and contribute."

The Merit Awards, presented annually since 1970, recognize demonstrated commitment and significant contributions to the environment. The winners were selected from nearly 100 nominations received this year from businesses, media, local and state government officials, environmental organizations, and citizen activists.