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EPA Joins NH DES and Great Bay Coast Watch to Celebrate World Water Monitoring Day
Release Date: 10/15/04
Contact Information:
Contact: Peyton Fleming, EPA Press Office, (617) 918-1008
Katrina Kipp (617-918-8309)
Chris Nash, NH DES (603) 559-1509
For Immediate Release: October 15, 2004; Release # 04-10-22
BOSTON --- As part of the national celebration of World Water Monitoring Day, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the NH DES and the Great Bay Coast Watch sampled phytoplankton, an indicator of harmful algal blooms, at the U.S. Coast Guard dock in New Castle, NH on Friday, October 15 at 1 p.m.
Robert W. Varney, EPA New England Regional Administrator, acknowledged similar water monitoring efforts underway throughout the six New England states by volunteer organizations like the Great Bay Coast Watch to monitor water quality in their communities.
"This effort is a good example of how volunteer monitors in their communities can become more involved in the world around them, beginning with local resources such as the Great Bay watershed,"said Varney. "World Water Monitoring Day is a perfect opportunity to think globally and act locally. It is also about raising awareness on the global level on the importance of water to us all and the quality of the environment in the local community."
Michael J. Walls, NH DES Assistant Commissioner, added that "federal and state efforts to protect and preserve our precious coastal resources are enhanced by the fine work of organizations like the Great Bay Coast Watch. World Water Monitoring Day represents a wonderful opportunity for all of us to focus on the importance of the Great Bay watershed and renew our commitment to achieving continuous improvement of its water quality."
World Water Monitoring Day, which officially takes place on Oct. 18, is an initiative cosponsored by EPA, along with the Clean Water Foundation and the International Water Association, to urge people around the world to test the quality of their streams, lakes, wetlands, and coastal waters.
During World Water Monitoring Day, volunteers of all ages will perform four tests to measure dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity/clarity and temperature. They can then enter their findings on an internet web page which, in turn, will provide a resource to individuals and institutions interested in clean water.
In 2002, the first National Water Monitoring Day was held to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Last year, about 70,000 Americans participated in monitoring events and educational programs throughout the U.S., including 975 people from New England. More than 10,290 participants from other countries participated in 2003, with even more expected this year. Additional information is available from America's Clean Water Foundation at .
Related Information:
Water Monitoring Day
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