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Release Date: 3/9/1999
Contact Information: Bonnie Lomax (215) 814-5542

PHILADELPHIA - People looking for help in planning their community’s future can find it by taking a ride on the information superhighway, exiting at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Community Assistance Kit (

The internet-based Green Communities Assistance Kit, first introduced in 1997, by EPA’s  Philadelphia regional office, provides a systematic method for analyzing your community, planning its future  and taking action.  The recently upgraded site now links to more than 600 other sites, providing a wealth of information on environmental, economic, and social issues.  

The kit guides communities through a five-step process by asking the following questions:  

1 - Where are we now?  (community assessment)
2 - Where are we going?  (trends analysis)
3 - Where do we want to be? (visioning)
4 - How do we get there?  (developing an action plan)
5 - Let’s Go (implementation)    

Communities that complete steps one through four and begin implementing changes can apply to be designated as a "Green Community."  The City of York, Pa. and Union County, Pa. have received this designation.  

For additional information contact Susan McDowell,  at 215-814-2739 or e-mail at [email protected].  

  Whether the community issue is sprawl, an abandoned chemical site, quality of life,  or economic vitality, the answer could be on EPA’s Green Community Assistance Kit.  Check it out.  

