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EPA Grant to Help Protect Children's Health in Baltimore

Release Date: 10/18/2011
Contact Information: Donna Heron / [email protected] or 215-814-5113

PHILADELPHIA (October 18, 2011) - - A $100,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will help protect children in the City of Baltimore from environmental health hazards such as lead, mold, pesticides and carbon monoxide.

EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin, Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake made the announcement this morning at Baltimore City Hall.

“During October and throughout the year, EPA is committed to working with communities like the City of Baltimore to promote healthy environments where children live, learn, and play. The Healthy Environments for City Kids initiative is a shining example of how the community is taking steps to address a wide range of environmental hazards, creating healthier and safer school environments," said Garvin.

EPA's Children's Health Grant will be used by the Baltimore City Health Department for its Healthy Environments for City Kids initiative. It will fund home visits to low-income families, as well as informational workshops to help at-risk families recognize and reduce children's exposure to various environmental hazards.

The Baltimore City Health Department was one of 13 organizations selected from 263 applicants across the country to receive a grant from EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection. Today's event was part of the annual celebration of October as Children’s Health Month.
Since 1928, the President of the United States has proclaimed the first Monday in October as National Child Health Day and in his October 3, 2011 Proclamation, President Obama reiterated the importance of caring for the health of our next generation, and the need to recommit ourselves to helping children, their families, and our communities fulfill the dream of healthy, happy, and secure futures.

Go to for additional information on Children’s Health Month.