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Boise Construction Sites Fail to Meet Federal Storm Water Requirements

Release Date: 09/02/2008
Contact Information: Chris Gebhardt, EPA Compliance & Enforcement, (206)-553-0253, [email protected] Tony Brown, EPA Public Affairs, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

(Boise, Idaho – September 2, 2008) Braman-Lambdin Enterprises LLC, SouthFork Landing, Inc., and Warner Construction, operators at construction sites near Boise, Idaho, recently paid $20,150 to settle two enforcement cases for Clean Water Act (CWA) violations filed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Violations were found at the sites during routine EPA inspections conducted to assess compliance with the nationwide storm water Construction General Permit (CGP). The permit requires operators of construction sites to plan for and implement storm water controls, to protect surface waters from common construction pollutants like sediment, oil and grease, and concrete washout.

Braman-Lambdin Enterprises LLC was found to be in violation for:

  • failing to apply for permit coverage,
  • failing to adequately prevent erosion, and
  • failing to include permanent storm water controls in their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
SouthFork Landing, Inc. and Warner Construction were found to be in violation for:
  • failing to design adequate erosion and sediment controls,
  • failing to manage water from fire hydrant flushing and dust control discharges, and
  • minor self-inspection deficiencies.
The cases were settled using EPA’s Expedited Settlement Offer (ESO) Policy, a streamlined enforcement process with lower fines for first-time violators and where no significant environmental harm was observed. The details of the two cases are as follows:

Site NamePenaltyOperators
Bella and Rio Vista Estates$13,000Braman-Lambdin Enterprises LLC
South Fork Landing$7,150SouthFork Landing, Inc.
Warner Construction

“Braman-Lambdin Enterprises LLC paid a higher penalty because they were unpermitted,” said Kim Ogle, EPA's Region 10 Compliance Unit Manager. “The penalty structure generally penalizes unpermitted dischargers substantially more than permitted ones.”

This is the fifth year in a long-term regional enforcement initiative to improve compliance with the Construction General permit.

For more about EPA’s storm water Construction General permit, visit:

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