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EPA Administrator Christie Whitman to Launch Smartway Transport Partnership to Reduce Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Release Date: 01/09/2003
Contact Information:

Cathy Milbourn, U.S. EPA Headquarters: 202-564-7824 / [email protected]
Kären Thompson, U.S. EPA Chicago: 312-353-8547 / [email protected]

(01/09/03) On Friday, Jan. 10, EPA Administrator Christie Whitman will be in Chicago to kick off the new SmartWay Transport partnership – a program to voluntarily reduce emissions and improve fuel economy. Partners will eventually be able to earn SmartWay labels that will distinguish them as having made significant commitments to reduce emissions. This program is expected to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ground freight carriers such as trucks and locomotives. Partners are demonstrating that these efforts can make good business sense - not only by saving money but also helping the environment.

WHO: EPA Administrator Christie Whitman and 13 SmartWay Partners: Canon USA, Inc. Coca Cola, CSX, ,Federal Express Corporation (invited), H-E-B Grocery Company(invited), IKEA, Interface, Inc., Nike Inc.,Norm Thompson Outfitters (invited), Roadway Corporation, Schneider National, Inc., UPS, Yellow Transportation

WHAT: Announcement of the New SmartWay Transport Partnership

WHEN: Friday Jan. 10, 11 a.m.

WHERE: The lobby of the Dirksen Federal Building, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago

VIDEO/PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: Trucks equipped with the latest energy conservation equipment and technologies and vendor displays will be available for view on Federal Plaza.