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$2.5 million available for Puget Sound watershed protection under "Targeted Watersheds" Grants

Release Date: 12/11/2007
Contact Information: Michael Rylko, 206-553-4014, [email protected] Mark MacIntyre, 206-553-7302, [email protected]

(December 10, 2007-Seattle, Wash) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting proposals to support the protection and restoration of high value Puget Sound aquatic resources, especially in areas facing rapid population growth, increased development or other environmental pressures.

The grant program emphasizes local, holistic watershed protection and management approaches. Grant funds will assist local and tribal governments in managing land uses while protecting watershed functions and values. Successful projects will match proposed activities to the appropriate watershed scale to ensure environmental results.

EPA plans to award up to ten grants, ranging from about $250,000 to $625,000, totalling $2.5 million. Local governments, special purpose districts, and federally recognized Indian tribes in the greater Puget Sound Basin are eligible to apply. State agencies, institutions of higher learning, and non-governmental entities are not eligible to directly receive these grant awards; however, EPA encourages tribes and local governments to solicit their participation as local collaborators.

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