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Chicago Fifth on EPA List of Cities with Most Energy-Efficient Buildings

Release Date: 03/26/2010
Contact Information: Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA032

CHICAGO (March 26, 2009) – Chicago ranks fifth on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the largest number of energy-efficient buildings that earned EPA’s Energy Star in 2009. Energy efficiency saves building owners money and fights climate change. Chicago now has 134 Energy Star-labeled buildings, up from 125 last year when it was sixth on the list.

“Fighting climate change is one of EPA’s top priorities,” said Cheryl Newton, regional Air Division director. “This Saturday, many Chicago buildings will participate in Earth Hour to raise awareness about climate change. We are pleased to recognize the impressive year’ round commitment to energy efficiency and preventing greenhouse gas emissions by Chicago building owners and managers.”

Almost 60 million square feet of floor space in the Chicago area is in Energy Star-labeled buildings. By adopting Energy Star standards, these buildings prevented greenhouse gas emissions equal to the emissions of more than 44,500 homes a year.

EPA awards the Energy Star to commercial buildings that perform in the top 25 percent of buildings nationwide compared to similar buildings. These buildings typically use 35 percent less energy and emit 35 percent less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than average buildings. Thirteen types of commercial buildings can earn the Energy Star, including schools, hospitals, office buildings, retail stores, supermarkets and other buildings.

Other Midwest cities among the top 25 cities with the most Energy Star-labeled buildings are Minneapolis-St. Paul (number 11), Detroit (number 15) and Indianapolis (number 23.)

View a list of the Top 25 cities in 2009 with Energy Star labeled buildings:

Learn more about earning the Energy Star for commercial buildings:

EPA Region 5 is a supporter of Earth Hour. Learn more about Chicago’s and Illinois’ participation in Earth Hour at: