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National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Charter Renewed

Release Date: 05/26/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Enesta Jones, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C.-May 26, 2005) The charter for the federal advisory panel that provides advice and recommendations on broad environmental justice issues has been extended until Sept. 26, 2006. The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) advises the EPA administrator on how to extend environmental protection to all its programs, policies and activities, particularly those with environmental degradation that has not been properly addressed, and recommends ways to facilitate more public participation in government decision-making.

"NEJAC has made significant contributions to our efforts to integrate environmental justice considerations into the agency's decision-making," said Thomas V. Skinner, acting assistant administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. "Their recommendations are given serious consideration at the highest levels of the organization."

Through NEJAC, EPA has received advice and recommendations on environmental issues from a wide variety of stakeholders, including communities, tribes, non-governmental organizations, industry, states and academia. Established in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act in 1993, NEJAC is one of 23 federal advisory committees to EPA. NEJAC's charter would have expired in September 2005, and its charter is reviewed annually. All EPA advisory committees are routinely reviewed; these important relationships and the advice offered by these panels are valued as the agency makes decisions.

More information on NEJAC is available at: .