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EPA’s Local Government Advisory Committee Met in Atlanta to Weigh in on Proposed Water Rule

Release Date: 07/10/2014
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, EPA, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]

ATLANTA – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 hosted the Agency’s Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC) Workgroup meeting in Atlanta, Ga. LGAC’s Protecting America’s Waters Workgroup convened to discuss a proposed rule clarifying Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction.

The public meeting gave local officials and stakeholders the opportunity to express their concerns and ideas to the workgroup, which will then work with the full committee to craft recommendations to EPA. The LGAC has been charged by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to give advice and recommendations on important issues affecting local elected and appointed officials. LGAC has made formal recommendations to EPA on issues ranging from climate change resiliency and air quality to worker protection standards.

EPA’s proposed rule clarifies protection for streams and wetlands. The proposed definitions of waters will apply to all Clean Water Act programs. The proposed rule, released on Mar. 25, 2014, is anticipated to have a large impact on local officials who are often in charge of implementing CWA provisions. Due to the scope of the proposed rule, the public comment period was recently extended by an additional 90 days to Oct. 20, 2014.

The purpose of the LGAC is to provide advice and recommendations that assist EPA in developing a stronger partnership with local governments, as well as build state and local capacity to deliver environmental services and programs. The ultimate goal of the LGAC is to provide the citizens of the nation with more efficient and effective environmental protection at the community, state and federal level.

More information about the Local Government Advisory Committee:

More information about the proposed Waters of the U.S. rule, including how to submit public comments:

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