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EPA issues civil complaint to Pacific Air Research, Inc. for pesticide application violations

Release Date: 10/02/2014
Contact Information: Jeff Philip, EPA Public Affairs, 206-553-1465, [email protected]

(Seattle, WA – October 2, 2014) Pacific Air Research, Inc. (PAR) a pesticide applicator based in White City, OR, has been issued a civil administrative complaint by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over alleged violations of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The complaint seeks a $1,500 penalty, the statutory maximum for such violations under FIFRA.

EPA’s complaint alleges that Pacific Air Research (PAR) mis-applied pesticides during application to a commercial timber plot in rural Curry County near Gold Beach, Oregon, and failed to follow label directions in two instances.

After receiving numerous complaints from area residents, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) dispatched an inspector to the area. Samples collected by the ODA from private residences located between the application sites showed the presence of two pesticides, triclopyr and 2, 4-D, which PAR had recently applied.

EPA’s complaint alleges that PAR violated FIFRA by using registered general use pesticides in a manner inconsistent with their labeling. According to the law, a pesticide applicator who fails to follow labeling directions is subject to a civil penalty up to $750 for first-time violation of FIFRA and $1,100 for subsequent violations. In this case, EPA is seeking a penalty of $750 for each product misused for a total penalty of $1,500.

Pacific Air Resources now has 30 days to answer the Complaint.

Learn more about EPA’s Pesticide Enforcement program